Fourth Annual Children’s Hospital National Medical Center ECMO Symposium, Snowmass, Co., Feb. 21-26, 1988.
Modification of an artificial kidney machine for use with neonatal ECMO. Grist G, Kangas B, Haney B, Thibeault D. Ashcraft K.
Assessment of alveolar function in neonates on ECMO using the measurement of net CO2 transfer by the artificial lung. Grist G, Kangas B, Haney B, Thibeault D. Ashcraft K.
Insensible water loss from the Scimed 0.8M artificial lung during neonatal ECMO. Grist G, Kangas B, Haney B, Thibeault D. Ashcraft K.
Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (Charter Meeting), Ann Arbor, Michigan, Oct. 1-3, 1989.
Measurement of the net transfer of carbon dioxide by the artificial lung in assessing human lung function in neonates on ECMO. Grist G, Haney B, Thibeault D. Ashcraft K.
Radiological Society of North America- Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 29, 1992.
Decreased incidence of intracranial hemorrhage in neonates with cephalic jugular venous drainage during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: A US and CT study. O’Connor TA, Egelhoff JC, Haney BM, Grist GE, Ashcraft KW.
Eighth Annual Children’s National Medical Center ECMO Symposium, Breckenridge, Co., Feb. 23-27, 1993.
Decreased intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) rate using cephalic jugular drainage during neonatal ECMO. O’Connor T, Haney B, Grist G.
The American Pediatric Society/the Society for Pediatric Research- Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA., May 7-11, 1995.
A comparison of plasma-free hemoglobin during ECMO using roller and constrained vortex pumps. Haney BM, Sward-Comunelli SL, Grist GE, Troug WE, Thibeault DW., Children’s Mercy Hospital & The University of Missouri, Kansas City, Mo.
The 12th Annual Children’s National Medical Center Symposium on ECMO & Advanced Therapies for Respiratory Failure, Keystone, Co., Feb. 25-29, 1996.
The blood anion gap as a risk factor for survival and duration of ECMO in neonates. Grist G, Thomas D., Haney B, Thibeault D.
The 3rd World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, May 27-31, 2001 Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Delayed sternal wound closure in the pediatric population. Michael Phillips, Beth Downey, Gary Grist, Gary Lofland, Thoracic & CV Surgery, Kansas City, Mo., USA.
Respiratory syncytial viral infections increases postoperative morbidity and mortality among infants with correction of AV septal defects. Michael Phillips, Gary Grist, Gary Lofland, Thoracic & CV Surgery, Kansas City, Mo., USA.
A quality control/quality improvement (QC/QI) program for pediatric perfusionists. Grist G., Kinggard J., Mattes M., Dunne H., Lofland G. Thoracic & CV Surgery, Kansas City, Mo., USA.
Design of pediatric bypass circuit permits reduction in circuit volume to optimize hematocrit in infants. Dunne H., Mattes M., Grist G., Lofland G. Thoracic & CV Surgery, Kansas City, Mo., USA.
Affect of early recalcification on morbidity after cross-clamp removal during pediatric cardiotomy. Grist G., Lofland G. Thoracic & CV Surgery, Kansas City, Mo., USA.
Vacuum assisted venous drainage (VAVD) in pediatric cardiotomy. Grist G., Kinggard J., Mattes M., Dunne H., Lofland G. Thoracic & CV Surgery, Kansas City, Mo., USA
Blake drain study. Bruch R., O’Grady K., Marquardt K., Orr K., Headley V., Grist G., Lofland G. Thoracic & CV Surgery, Kansas City, Mo., USA.
The 20th Annual Children’s Hospital National Medical Center Symposium: ECMO & The Advanced Therapies for Respiratory Failure, February 22-26, 2004, Keystone, Colo.
Benchmarking – A Unique Opportunity For The ELSO Registry. Haney BM, Kilbride HW, Grist GE, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, Missouri.
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 41st Annual Meeting, January 24-26, 2005, Tampa, Florida.
Implementation of Blake Drains in Pediatric and Adult Patients Undergoing Surgical Correction of Congenital Cardiac Disease: A Cost Benefit Analysis. G.K. Lofland, L. Barth, P. Dennis, G. Grist, W. Liu, J.E. O’Brien
AmSECT 43rd International Conference Pediatric Session, Friday March 4, 2005, Hilton Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, La.
Database Review Evaluating Clinical Outcomes of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery With and Without Aprotinin. K. Witherspoon, C. Whittaker, T. Hoffman, G. Grist
Database Reivew: Clinical Outcomes of Non-coated and Multi-coated Cardiopulmonary
Bypass Circuits in Infants. C. Whittaker, K. Witherspoon, T. Hoffmand, G. Grist
The 31st Annual Meeting of the Western Thoracic Surgical Association, June 22-25, 2005, Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Impact Of Delayed Sternal closure On Mediastinitis Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. J.E. O’Brien, P. Dennis, G. Grist, R. Stroup, J. swihart, M. Tarrants, G.K. Lofland, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Mo.
The 23rd Annual Children’s Hospital National Medical Center Symposium: ECMO & The Advanced Therapies for Respiratory Failure, February 25- March 1, 2007, Keystone, Colo.
The Effect of Washed Blood Prime on Sodium, Potassium, Glucose & BUN in ECMO patients. Fitzgerald, K., Grist, G., Haney, B., Pallotto, E. Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, Missouri
Simple Modifications to Improve ECMO Circuit Longevity. Grist, G., Haney, B. Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, Missouri
The 27th Annual Children’s Hospital National Medical Center Symposium: ECMO & The Advanced Therapies for Respiratory Failure, February 26- March 1, 2012, Keystone, Colo.
Cephalic Venous Cannulation in Neonates: A Valuable Practice? Haney, BM; Sherman, A.; Grist, G.; Pallotto, EK; Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, Missouri
The 29th Annual Children’s Hospital National Medical Center Symposium: ECMO & The Advanced Therapies for Respiratory Failure, February 24-28, 2013 Keystone, Colo.
Grist G; Haney, BM (presenter); Merrigan, KA A Simple Method to Manipulate Circuit Pressures Within A Simulated ECMO System. Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, Missouri.